How to use Nellie's Dish Stick


To load or replace the Dish Butter Stick:

  1. Twist the bottom of the brush handle counterclockwise until it stops.
  2. Add a fresh Dish Butter Stick into the empty space.
  3. Ensure the rubber gasket is in place inside the brush head and replace the bristled head on the brush.
  4. Twist the base of the brush handle clockwise until the Dish Butter stick is just shy of flush with the end of the bristles or touches the remaining Dish Butter left in the brush.
  5. Once you use 1/4 of the first stick, add a second stick into the base to keep your soap dispenser full and able to move up the chamber.
  6. Wash Dishes.

Using the Dish Stick:

  1. For the best dishwashing performance, twist the base of the brush handle clockwise until the Dish Butter Stick is just shy of flush with the end of the bristles.
  2. Wash Dishes.
  3. When more soap is needed, continue to twist the bottom of the brush clockwise until the soap is flush just shy of the bristles.

Replacing the brush head:

  1. Twist the old brush head off and remove it from the brush handle.
  2. Remove the silicon gasket from the old brush head and set it aside.
  3. Place the same silicon gasket into the new brush head.
  4. Attach the new bristled brush head to the brush handle.

Dish Stick patent(s) pending.